Please click on image for recording of the seminar
In our opening event focusing on Cultures of Care in Higher Education – held on June 11th, 2021 – we asked “How do we care at work?”Our invited contributors responded to this question through a variety of lenses and from differing positions; however, some key unifying themes emerged. Amongst these was the importance of unknowing, ambivalence, vulnerability, trust, and unlearning. Going forwards we’d like to explore these further, both within and beyond the context of Higher Education.
Our second seminar, held on Friday 21st January, 2022, took on this challenge under the umbrella title of “Tolerating Uncertainty”. We were delighted to welcome a group of wonderful speakers from quite different disciplinary backgrounds, who share interests in this compelling human theme.
Lorenzo Zucca Tolerating or embracing uncertainty?
Professor of Law and Philosophy, King’s College London
Mark Freeston Owning Uncertainty
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Project lead UNiCORN, Newcastle University
Eivind Engebretsen and Mona Baker Evidence and Uncertainty – in the time of Pandemics
Professor Engebretsen – Vice-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo and Circle U Chair of Global Health
Professor Mona Baker – Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE), University of Oslo
Luca Vigano Formal(?) models of uncertainty
Professor and Head of the Cybersecurity Group of the Department of Informatics, King’s College London
Flora Smyth Zahra Learning to care – educating for uncertainty
Clinical Senior Lecturer Interdisciplinarity & Innovation Dental Education, King’s College London